Helly Larson – Dubcreators (Insect O.’s Striesen Redub)

For the video of my remix for Helly Larson – Dubcreators I used around 2000 pictures of a timelaps shot I mad in Shanghai in 2012. The shots were done with a Canon EOS 550d and Magic Lanter Colorgraded with Adobe Lightroom 3.

The session took around 2 hours and at the end some police showed up as you can see at the end of the video.

Helly Larson – Dubcreators (Insect O.’s Striesen Redub)
Taken from Helly Larson – Dubcreators [Etoka Shapes]

download for free:

by Lars Helbig and Oliver Hartmann

Shanghai at night
by Oliver Hartmann

Copyrigt by Etoka Shapes 2012